- Written by gearbots
- Published: 14 Jun 2020

Focus: Developing the core skills required to be a confident Maker in our program and a potential candidate for our STEM Academy - by invitation only.
- Students progress at your own pace and participants continue where they left off from course to course
Target:· Ages 9 to 12+
Physical Locations:
Abbotsford Location: Abbotsford Christian Middle School on Tuesdays from 4-6pm
Chilliwack Location: UFV Trades and Technology campus on Thursdays from 4-6pm
Jr. Makerspace Steps:
STEP 1 - Introduction to coding/robotics course
- Mandatory for all new participants in our program regardless of age
- Approx. 20 hours to complete
STEP 2 - Maker Menu course (will need to purchase equipment)
Maker Menu items: Focus on coding, electronics, and digital design for digital manufacturing
1. Introduction to TinkerCAD and OnShape - 3D printer - original design
2. Introduction to Inkscape - Laser cutter - original design
3. Introduction to the MicroBit
Freenove Ultimate Starter Kit with Micro:Bit kit @ approx $94.95 CND
- (parents must purchase)
4. Introduction to Arduino Uno - Wait until ordering
Elegoo Uno Smart Car Kit @ approx. $94.95 CND
- (parents must purchase when requested)
Other options: Coding languages - Scratch, Blockly, JavaScript, Python, Arduino IDE), MakeBlock, Raspberry Pi kit, Learn to MOD - Minecraft, MakeyMakey, OttoBot, Edison robot, Strawbees QuickBot, MakeDo, SumoBot project, ElecFreak kits, Kano, Piper, Arduino Mega 2560 kit, build your own autonomous robot and robotic arm build project, learning to solder etc.
Other: Work on various interest projects with support
- building on the introductory modules listed above
Skillset developed:
Self-regulation, maturity, focus, teamwork skills, communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, personal drive/interest, resilient, attention to details, following instructions, independent learning, core technical skills, computational thinking, and thinking like an engineer